Climate Change considerations in major national projects (Kazakhstan) (2014)


Studio Progetto Ambiente Srl

Climate is one of the most important factors for human life on Earth. Thus, climate change is one of the major international challenges of 21st century that goes far beyond the scientific issue and represents a complex interdisciplinary problem, affecting environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development in every country.

Smart Vineyard: wireless sensor network for improving wine production & climate change adaptatio (2014)


Studio Progetto Ambiente Srl

Climate change tells us that many of our habits or practices will have to be adapted in the future to accommodate new scenarios of higher average temperature and water stress.
The desire to extend the useful life of the vines from 25-30 years to 50-70 years necessitates the consideration of climate change in resource and investment planning.
The two statements above are not mutually exclusive.

Centrali di cogenerazione e teleriscaldamento di Savigliano e Chieri (2013)


HighPower SpA

Analisi dei cambiamenti climatici e piano di adattamento.

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